Our Story

The exclusive GRAN DIPLOMAT wine from Mendoza, Argentina is produced from the highest quality grapes at the base of the majestic Andes mountains.

After serving as U.S. Ambassador to Argentina, Noah Mamet began his journey as a winemaker based on his love of Argentina where he decided to create his own line of beautiful award winning wines.

You may notice the symbol at the neck of the bottles which was inspired by Argentina’s highest award, the Medal of San Martin, an honor bestowed upon Ambassador Mamet for helping bring the United States and Argentina closer together.

GRAN DIPLOMAT features four handcrafted wines: an elegant and bold Super Premium Malbec, a full body Cabernet Sauvignon, a unique Rosé from Malbec grapes and a younger, more fruit forward Malbec. These Argentine wines are cultivated in Ambassador Mamet’s private vineyard located in Uco Valley, known as one of the best terroirs in the world.

These bottles were created to enjoy with friends and family, from Argentina to California and everywhere between. Salud!